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A Tale of Two Kitties

Introduction, Day 1 and Day 2

This is the tale of how I got my two cats to get along and become best friends. OR, how I led them to murder each other in a fiery battle, leaving me only with a bloody pile of fur scattered across my floor. TBC.

First, I will introduce you to these fine felines.

Socks Fatts McGee


  • Just about to celebrate his 11th birthday
  • Has lived in the same house his entire life, until a few weeks ago
  • Has a bad reputation for attacking people when irritated (which I am not particularly sympathetic towards when people are warned not to touch him because he's in a bad mood but they touch him anyway. Talking to you Aunty Debbie.)
  • Has been called an asshole, and many other insulting variants
  • Hasn't had many animal roommates, except a dog for awhile, who only lived in the backyard so was easy to avoid
  • Massive glutton, will literally take the food off your plate while you're eating. The positive side of this is that we can lure him and bribe him with chicken
  • Has been known to fight with other cats, as recently as last week when he finally met his ginger nemesis face-to-face after weeks of threats through the window.
  • Has settled in well, enjoys being with us because we pay attention to him, compared to my parents who he was living with
  • Some health problems (bad teeth and a lump on his nose) but they don't affect him much



  • Is a well-travelled pet. Originally from Western Australia, she then moved to Newcastle to live with her grandparents and is now in Melbourne with us. 
  • Still pretty much a baby at just over 3 years old
  • Lived with another cat and two dachshunds for over two years
  • Very sociable and active, will follow you everywhere, likes to know what's going on
  • Very soft fur
  • Likes to catch crickets and other such bugs in the garden. Once had a fight with a praying mantis
  • Loves to climb (curtains, people, etc) just like her namesake Edmund Hillary (who possibly only liked to climb mountains and not people. Will confirm.)

We were really worried about moving them in together, mostly because of Socks' personality and the fact that he has been on his own practically forever. We were expecting Hillary to make the transition well as she has moved before and also lived with other animals. Here is what ensued:

Day 1

We picked up Hillary from the airport. I had set up my study with all her stuff, as I was intending to keep her in one room as the articles I have read advised. She is a very chill cat and didn't make a sound the whole way home, she even fell asleep for awhile. We organised some dinner for her and got her settled in. She was starving, I don't think she had eaten all day (you aren't supposed to feed them before they fly). Puss didn't realise for awhile that she was here, then when they both realised that they were not the only cat in the house they growled (Puss) and hissed (Hillary) at each other under the door (our doors have quite big gaps at the bottom). 

It didn't take long for Hillary to want to get out and explore so we put Puss in the spare room and let Hillary explore the house. She did a couple of laps and sniffed everything. 

Hillary spent the night in the study and Puss, who usually comes to bed with us, was sulking on the windowsill although he was on our bed by the morning. 

Day 2

Husband fed the cats (Hillary in the study, Puss in his usual spot). When I got up Hillary was dying to get out so I let Puss outside into the backyard and let Hillary explore the house. She did a couple of laps and went up to the back door where Puss was. They hissed and growled at each other a couple of times, which was a lot better than I was expected. I would've expected Puss to go mental and growl and hiss and try and attack the door. I think that he is a lot more chilled out now that we have bought a Feliway diffuser though. It's like weed for cats, makes them relaxed and chilled out, and is good for when they're in stressful situations (such as moving house). 

I put Hillary back in the study but then ended up keeping the door open as Puss was off sleeping somewhere. Hillary also slept on the couch in the lounge room and since then has been walking around the house. Puss has seen her a couple of times but didn't really have a reaction, which I think is really promising. 

I fed both of the cats dinner. Hillary then went up to Puss (he was still eating) but then came back to sit where she could see him. When Puss realised she was there they stared at each other for a bit (no growling or hissing!) then Puss walked off. Hillary stayed but tried to see where he went. Puss went to sit on the windowsill in the lounge room then Hillary went into the lounge room. She didn't see Puss but hissed when she walked past for some reason, then sat on the couch. They were looking at each other then Puss hopped down and sat on the rug. So they're both in the same room and not having a confrontation-good sign!

To be continued....


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