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Review: Queer Eye (the revival!)

I'm not much of a reality show fan, usually only using it as inspiration for sarcastic and witty observational tweets, with some exceptions of course. Queer Eye is definitely one of those exceptions.

Having watched the original series all those years ago, I thought I knew what I was in for when I tuned in to the new Netflix revival, after seeing people raving about it on Twitter. A group of trendy gay guys swoop in and change a clueless straight guy's life with a haircut and a new outfit, fun is had, tears are shed. Well I don't know how well I remember the last series, but the new one is so much more than I expected.

It has all the fun of your typical makeover/renovation/cooking show, but with a little extra thrown in as well. Of course, all of your usual reality shows have the 'make or break' moment, when the camera pans in to the contestant, on the verge of tears, as they tell the story of how they beat the odds and triumphed over adversity just to be in this room, of how they were destined to make this pie or win this recording contract. Queer Eye feels different though, more authentic somehow. Maybe it's the fact that the people the Fab 5 are helping aren't thrusting themselves into the spotlight, but are nominated by caring/concerned friends, maybe it's because the goal isn't a chance at five minutes of fame, but to change their life in small and meaningful ways.

In a time when America is disintegrating into a flaming pile of garbage, it's the perfect time for a show like this. To bring people together, no matter their differences of lifestyle or politics. In episode three the guys meet Cody, a self-confessed redneck Trump supporter. On the way to meet him, they get pulled over by a police officer (who turns out to be Cody's friend, and the one who nominated him for the show). This later turns into a discussion between Cody and Karamo, about the fear that Karamo felt, and many black people feel, at having interactions with the police. They listen to each other's point of view, and we can see that it meant a lot to both of them to have this moment of understanding.

Queer Eye isn't going to fix the world, or America, or even Georgia. But it just might fix the hole in our hearts where a funny, heartwarming makeover show belongs.

A special shout out goes to Jonathon's hair, which is so fabulous it deserves its own show. Glorious.

There are currently eight episodes available for you to binge on Netflix.


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