You probably have a general idea of what you're getting yourself into when you start reading this book. It's been around for a long time, so you have an idea of the premise, maybe even seen some of the movie. You might be totally into Law & Order, Dexter and biographies of serial killers. You might be interested in psychology, and have a natural curiosity for what makes people tick. All of these reasons are valid, and contribute to my reasons for wanting to read it.
However, as much as all these things are interesting, it is still confronting to read. It isn't the number of people he kills, or the emotionless way in which he does, but the horrific methods that he uses. Prepare for some graphic details of murder and sex. That's not to say it isn't readable or you shouldn't attempt it at all, just a warning for those who get a bit queasy in the face of gore.
It is a strange read, not quite what I expected. The book is from the point of view of Patrick Bateman, a young man who works on Wall street and also happens to be a psychopathic serial killer. His murderous tendencies are hinted at early on, yet it takes awhile until we actually experience it.
The majority of his time is spent describing the outfits of himself and his companions; his fiance, his colleagues and various dates. None of which he seems to particularly like. It's a bizarre kind of world in which he inhabits, one of faceless Wall street employees that all seem to blend together, of extravagant wealth and drugs. Bateman's life is a blur of nightclubs, drinking, drugs, murders, and dinners with colleagues that he seems to despise.
The book is reflective of the time (set in the late 80s) and it is really interesting to see inside that world. We're not short of entertainment of this upper-class of New York genre (think Gossip Girl, The Wolf of Wall Street and Sex and the City), but it is still captivating. This plus the intrigue of seeing into a serial killer's life should be thrilling, and it is.
However, I found myself disappointed at the ending. Despite Bateman trying to alert people to his secret, they either don't believe him or just don't listen to him. There is no dramatic climax. He is not killed, arrested, or even examined by a psychiatrist. I guess I just wanted to know why. Why is he so fucked up? Why does he hate everybody? Why doesn't he see his family? Why is he so obsessed with the morning talk-show?
That's all we get though, so just take it for what it is; a glimpse into the mind of a psychopath.
That's it for now, I have to go and return some videotapes.
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